ROSS A. FILLMORE Psychic Intuitive Card Reader
When people think of card readings, what comes to mind most often
are "Tarot cards" or some little Gypsy woman using an ordinary deck
of playing cards giving messages of doom and gloom under the gaze of
the pale moonlight. But there are many different types of cards used
for readings. What I use primarily are known as "oracle" cards.
Oracle cards allow the reader to connect with The Divine through
other energy systems such as Angels, Fairies, or the Ascended
Masters. These energy systems will tell you what you need to hear at
this moment in time, thus the name: Oracle Cards. The Tarot uses
the energies that surround the individual allowing the messages and
information derived from the card reading to help reveal and validate
the answers he may be seeking. The cards present symbols and
messages for the Reader to interpret either literally or intuitively and
give the Seeker what he needs to hear at that moment in time.
Standard playing cards can be used in the same way.
The card decks I use primarily are the Doreen Virtue Ascended
Master Oracle Cards and the Doreen Virtue Power Archangel Tarot. I
connect with these two decks on a very strong and personal level.
Other card decks are utilized as well.
Card readings can be done either in person or remotely. A session
lasts as long as it takes. In person, it could take anywhere from 20
minutes to an hour. Please allow 48 hours response time for remote
readings. Remote readings are done when my schedule allows and
does not require you to be present either in person or on the phone.
With a remote reading, you will receive your reading via email.
The cards will tell you what you most need to hear at that moment in
time. For most, it is a method of validation of things they already
Email me at for a session and see what
messages the cards may reveal for you, or call me at (614) 905-1284
and leave a voice mail.
Need a Positive Message? The answer could be in the cards!
Please allow 48 hours
for remote card
readings. All readings
are meant for
purposes and none
should be regarded as
replacement for
professional, legal or
medical advice.