ROSS A. FILLMORE Divination * Didgeridoo * Daylilies
Divination is the practice of connecting with the Divine on both a Spiritual and Physical level to acquire messages and information that are of the greatest good and the highest intent for the use and benefit of those seeking answers.
These Practices could be anything from connecting psychically with Spirit (God, Angels, the Ascended Masters, Interdimensional Beings) to card reading, casting, geomancy, psychometry, pendulums, and dowsing rods.
Although not forms of divination, Alternative Health Practices are also a means of connecting with The Divine as many of these utilize the Universal Life Force Energy. These would include Reiki, Quantum Touch, Oneness Blessing, and meditation. More on these topics under Alternative Health.
I am also an avid student of the metaphysical, paranormal, psychic, and spiritual pursuits. I belong to many different meet-up groups in the Columbus, Ohio, area, where I study, practice, and share my knowledge.