Didgeridoo Instructor  

About the Didgeridoo
The didgeridoo is an ancient Australian aboriginal musical instrument
that consists basically of a hollow wooden tube made of eucalyptus
that the player blows into creating a drone.  Although the drone has
only one note, different intonations can be created by adjusting the
pressure of the lips and cheeks, the position of the tongue and jaw,
and the vocalizations created by the player himself.  In this way, the
didge player can create rhythms and imitate sounds in nature.  The
breathing technique used for sustaining the drone is known as circular

The history of the didgeridoo is shrouded in mystery and legend.  
Because the aborigine people had no written language, anthropologists
and historians have had to rely on the oral history of the different
tribes to try to date its practice.  Historically, the instruments were
made of organic matter, so as such, no fossil records can be found
because the wood would have broken down and turned to dust over
time.  One thing they will agree on is that the practice of playing the
didgeridoo is quite old.

Traditionally, the didgeridoo is used in ceremony and ritual,
storytelling and oral history, and in meditation.  Although among the
aborigine, only men are allowed to play or even touch the instrument,
people from all over the world -- men, women, and children -- are
learning to play the didgeridoo.  It is popular with street busking and
drum circles as well as a unique accompaniment and feature
instrument in contemporary music.

Lots of different playing techniques have developed over the years.  
Search the web or YouTube for a good variety of players, music,
styles, and instructions, or check out my instructional videos on these
page links:

I offer basic playing instruction -- including circular breathing -- and I
also conduct didgeridoo meditation for different events.
The legend of the
didgeridoo is actually part
of the aborigine creation
story.  It is said that an
aborigine by the name of
Burbuck Boon tossed a
piece of wood on a
campfire.  As it was
burning, he noticed that
the wood was hollow and
termites were eating the
inside.  He picked up the
wood and trumpeted into
it, shooting the sparks of
termites out into the night
sky thus creating the
stars.  But with the
trumpet blast, Burbuck
Boon also created the
sound that would become
the drone of the